Sagittarius and Gemini’s biggest strength is their ability to fulfill one another without imposing expectations. They make a fantastic committed couple or friends with benefits, and they’ll make the most of it either way!

Both signs are first-rate communicators and highly adventurous in the bedroom. So long as they continue to encourage one another’s creativity and make their desires known, they’ll have a steamy and dynamic love life.

Deep down, being in a relationship is vital to Libra, so trouble can occur when Libra starts acting clingy. Both parties should be honest about their intentions and willing to compromise with one another.

A Leo who gets tons of compliments is always eager to please. Gemini should make a point to tell Leo how much they’re enjoying themselves and how great Leo is; they’ll be generously rewarded for the attention.

Aries can be self-centered and too overpowering for Gemini. If Gemini can be more assertive in bed and Aries can set aside their own needs to take care of Gemini, they can make their red-hot connection last.

Gemini partners can teach one another that commitment isn’t so bad. If they can set comfortable boundaries, they might find that connecting emotionally makes physical intimacy even more fun.

To make this work, Gemini needs to realize that Virgo can let loose and be inventive—they’re just naturally more reserved. If Gemini meets Virgo in the middle and slowly expands their comfort zone, they can be a fantastic pair.

Taurus may be stubborn and traditional, but this sign knows how to compromise. If Gemini can settle in and give Taurus the stability they crave, Taurus might be willing to step it up and get creative in the bedroom.

Cancer is a considerate and giving lover, so long as the two signs are clear about their needs right from the start. If Gemini can offer Cancer emotional vulnerability, Cancer will be more adventurous in the bedroom.

Gemini can be turned off by Capricorn’s stern first impression, but they’ll find that still waters run deep if they stick around. Capricorn is more adventurous than they let on, and Gemini will enjoy that side of them.

Pisces is flexible and easygoing, like Gemini. If Gemini gives Pisces a chance, they’ll see that Pisces can easily keep up with them both physically and intellectually without pressuring them to commit, which is all Gemini really wants.

Scorpios are just as creative as Geminis in bed. If they focus on communication and fulfilling one another’s desires, they can have a satisfying sexual connection.