This article will provide you with information on eczema complications. We’ll cover common complications and provide information on when to seek help. 

General Complications of Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that is associated with common symptoms like itching and discomfort. People with eczema are more like to have other conditions, including asthma and allergies. All of this can lead to general complications from eczema, including:

ItchingPainRed or flaking skinDry skin

You may also experience additional complications like cracks in your skin from severe eczema. It’s also common to experience eczema scars. 

Secondary Complications From Eczema

In addition to the complications above—which can be considered core symptoms of eczema—you may experience secondary complications. These conditions can affect more than just your skin.


Eczema is associated with a malfunctioning immune system. Eczema also leads to cracks and cuts in the skin. The skin protects the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other agents that can cause infection. Because of skin damage and malfunctioning immune systems, people with eczema are more likely to experience skin infections than the general population.

Infections associated with eczema can include:

Staph infections Skin boils Impetigo Cellulitis

Eczema Herpeticum

Eczema herpeticum is a specific type of viral skin infection that affects people with eczema. Most often, it affects children. The infection happens when the skin is exposed to the herpes virus, and it covers large areas of the skin.

The result is a severe rash that covers the body in blisters. The blisters may look red, purple, or black, and they often release pus when they are opened. People with eczema herpeticum may also have a fever or generally feel unwell (have malaise).

Eczema herpeticum can be serious, so it’s important to get treatment quickly if you suspect it. The condition is treated with antiviral medicines. You might need antibiotics too if you develop a secondary infection. 

Self-Esteem Issues

People with eczema—especially children—may experience bullying. In addition, eczema is associated with lowered self-confidence. Seeking a therapist who is experienced in working with people with chronic or skin conditions may help. 

Mental Health Impacts

People with eczema are at higher rates of depression, anxiety, and behavioral issues. Kids with eczema may be at increased risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other hyperactivity disorders.

Heart Disease and Stroke

Research shows that people with eczema may have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Medical experts aren’t sure exactly why this risk exists. But if you have eczema, you should be proactive about looking after your cardiovascular health. 

How to Prevent Eczema Complications

It’s not always possible to prevent eczema complications. However, getting a prompt diagnosis and getting on a treatment plan that works for you should help. When your eczema is well-controlled, you’re less likely to have complications. A board-certified dermatologist (specialist in conditions of the skin, hair, and nails) can develop a treatment plan that works for you. 

Since eczema complications don’t just impact the skin, it’s important to monitor your overall health. Working with your primary care provider and a mental health provider, if you need one, can help keep complications in control. 

If a Complication Is Suspected 

When you’re experiencing an eczema complication, you should seek medical care. Visiting your primary care provider is a great first step to take. However, you may need the care of other providers, including medical specialists and a therapist to manage complicatons. 


Eczema can leave you prone to skin infections, scars, boils, and other skin ailments. But the complications can also be more far-reaching. People with eczema are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. Controlling your eczema and taking charge of your overall health can help keep complications at bay. 

A Word From Verywell

Living with eczema can be overwhelming, especially when you consider eczema complications. However, being aware of complications that could arise allows you to recognize when they’re happening. While you can’t always prevent complications, getting prompt medical attention can keep them from progressing.