Today, a cohort of Generation X’s began reflecting on what it means to be from the era of MTV, grunge, The Breakfast Club, yuppies, slackers, Biggie and Tupac.

The term Generation X (often called Gen X) became a trending topic on Twitter as former “latchkey kids” reflected on the defining traits of their era along with nods to the then cultural zeitgeist.

“Wait. Why are people suddenly paying attention to Gen X?? F***. They found us, friends,” tweeted TV writer Gennifer Hutchinson. “They found us.”

While political commentator Christopher Hahn joked: “We are Gen X. We had awesome music. We’re tech savvy but not obnoxious about it. We only care when you make us.”

The zeitgeist of Generation X can be defined by a number of celebrities across the cultural landscape.

Here’s a look at some era-defining stars.

Kurt Cobain

The late Kurt Cobain largely defined grunge, a genre synonymous with Gen X. The Nirvana frontman will forever be remembered for the band’s seminal Generation X anthem “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”


Prince is another artist whose music provided the soundtrack for a generation of kids who rejected labels and strived for the individualistic allure of the “Purple Rain” artist.

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia was an inspirational figure for women sci-fi fans and her role in Star Wars propelled women into the genre like nothing seen before.

Biggie Smalls

The hip-hop movement of the 90s was powered by Gen X, bringing the genre into its Golden Age, with New York rapper Biggie Smalls at the precipice.

Tupac Shakur

Similarly, Biggie’s rival Tupac helped to establish the musical standard that rappers still strive to reach today.

Boy George

One of the defining figures of the New Romantics movement, Boy George is synonymous with the non-conformist, androgynous edge that flourished in the 1970s and 1980s.

Molly Ringwald

80s teen icon Molly Ringwald starred in one of the era’s most defining films, The Breakfast Club, forever synonymous with Generation X.

Muhammad Ali

One of Generation X’s star athletes, the late Muhammad Ali is still one of the most celebrated sporting figures of the 20th century.

David Bowie

One of the most celebrated musical artists of the last century, David Bowie’s influence on pop culture came to be a defining aspect of Gen X.

Winona Ryder

One of the most prolific actresses of the 80s and 90s, Winona Ryder is a generation-defining Gen X icon with her roles in classics like The Heathers and Reality Bites.