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However, among the current available characters, a lot of are underrated. These characters hold a lot of potential, but their kits can be confusing. Whether it’s multiple roles or underwhelming damage, players simply don’t use them enough to bring out their true power. Here are some examples of under-appreciated characters in Genshin Impact.

10 Beidou, The Pirate Captain

Since the game’s release, Electro characters have been deemed weaker than the other elements since Electro doesn’t possess amplifying reactions, like Melt or Vaporize. This tends to drive players away from characters that mainly rely on Electro.

However, Beidou doesn’t need Elemental Reactions to perform. This character’s kit makes her a viable main DPS, and her skill, Tidecaller is one of the most unique ones in the game. With this skill, Beidou can enter a defensive stance. If she takes damage during this time, proper timing will allow Beidou to counterattack and deal massive damage. This counterattacking system will greatly boost Beidou’s normal and charged attack, allowing the Pirate Captain to go berserk on her enemies.

9 Barbara’s More Than Just A Healer

Despite being used in most players’ early gameplay, Barbara often is cast aside in the late game since many players think she doesn’t offer anything except for healing. Not only that, but her skill also applies Hydro to the characters. This means, if “wet” players are facing Cryo enemies, they can easily become Frozen.

However, this Wet system is actually amazing in cleansing various debuffs, like the Pyro debuff. Not only that, she’s one of the few characters who heals others with her skill. This can be crucial in domains that disrupt energy regeneration.

8 Kaeya Can Deal Huge Damage

Because Kaeya is a free character, most players don’t give him the attention he deserves. Instead, they focused on getting the Gacha characters they desire and keep him asleep in their inventory.

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This is unfortunate, because Kaeya’s kit is very reliable. He’s capable of assisting any team he’s in, as well as being a main DPS. Kaeya has the highest normal attack multiplier compared to the other sword users. In addition, his Cryo element means he can easily trigger Superconduct reaction, which allows even higher physical damage.

7 Keqing’s Power Comes From Speed

Keqing is another character that is often benched for being Electro. Her normal attack scalings are low, but the speed of her attacks helps compensate for this. Not only that, all her attacks have some sort of “blink” feature. This allows her to quickly reach the enemy, and, in some cases, avoid attacks.

Her ultimate may also seem like it deals terrible damage, but it allows players to have a few seconds of invisibility. Additionally, Keqing’s burst has a low energy requirement, which means players can spam her burst easily. She may not seem like the best DPS, but players who know how to utilize her will find that her kit can make up for the small numbers.

6 Lisa Is A Challenge To Use, But A Fun One

Along with Amber and Kaeya, Lisa is one of the free trios that players can obtain at the start of the game. This Purple Witch is infamous for her laziness, although she can do her job perfectly. Like the other starter characters, Lisa is often benched for being free.

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Lisa is not the easiest character to use. When playing her, players have to know how to stack Conductive on the enemies. Afterward, they need to properly time her hold skill to deal massive damage. While she’s not the best DPS, Lisa is both a challenge and a lot of fun once players master her art of battle.

5 Xinyan’s Tough To Figure Out, But Packs A Punch

Some players can find it hard to understand how they can benefit from Xinyan’s kit, as it’s fairly confusing. Of course, this is understandable since, players can build Xinyan in various ways. Building her on defense will make her a shielder, while equipping Physical artifacts will make her a DPS; however, building her with Pyro is not recommended.

Simply put, Xinyan is best used as a Physical DPS since her constellations are designed to improve her DPS abilities. If players do not own her constellations, then she can provide support for other Physical characters, such as Razor.

4 Noelle Is Incredibly Versatile

Noelle is owned by almost every Genshin Impact player. She is a guaranteed unit obtainable from the Novice Wish, a banner that costs 8 Acquainted Fates for 10 wishes. Players wishing on this banner will save 2 Fates.

Just like other free-to-play characters, Noelle is often undervalued. However, she’s actually one of the best supports in the game. Noelle can both shield and heal, and if players obtain her final constellation, then Noelle can also be a DPS. In short, this character is an all-rounder, and has a space on any team.

3 The Traveler Adapts To Any Play Style

The Traveler is the first 5-star character players get in Genshin Impact. Players should not neglect this default character for one major reason: its flexibility. Unlike the other characters, the the Traveler is unique because it can endlessly switch elements.

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As of right now, players can build their Traveler with different play styles based on the elements they choose, either Geo or Anemo. With Inazuma coming soon, players can also expect their Traveler to wield the Electro element. Additionally, players don’t have to farm for weeks to ascend this character. By using the materials obtained from the Adventure Rank reward, players can easily ascend their Traveler.

2 Qiqi Can Become Untouchable On The Battlefield

This precious little zombie is sadly hated by a lot of players, especially by those who continuously obtain her instead of the desired featured characters. Furthermore, many players find her kit lacking. Qiqi’s skill and burst can heal amazingly, but that’s all she offers. Her skill doesn’t offer proper Cryo application, and Qiqi does not generate energy particles. For this reason, a lot of players demand a rework on her kit.

However, considering that Qiqi’s healing is amazing, players can opt to make the little zombie a sub-DPS. This way, Qiqi can deal a lot of damage while continuously healing her team. Accompanied by her massive defense (the highest in the game so far), this character can be immortal on the battlefield.

1 Amber’s Sniping Abilities Are Fantastic If Used Well

Amber is easily one of the most under-appreciated characters in Genshin Impact, and it’s easy to see why. Her skill and burst deal minuscule damage, while her normal attack is terrible.

However, it’s important to note that Amber is a sniper, meaning that her play style is not as easy as the other characters. Most of her damage comes from her charged attacks, especially when she’s targeting the enemy’s weak points. Additionally, with her Pyro vision, she can maximize the damage of Melt. With a proper build and gameplay, the Outrider can be fun and deserves her chance to shine.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Rosaria