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Every new game with such a sharp increase in both fan base and content is expected to hit a few snags along the way, working through the weeds to find what suits the players best. Luckily, these suggestions don’t seem to be falling on deaf ears, a few changes in mechanic have already been made and more are in the pipeline. With new content rolling out on a regular basis, Genshin Impact will continue to modify and adapt to the growing desires of ravenous fans.

10 Co-op Experience

One of the biggest requests from the community has been the lack of co-op story being implemented in the game, some players are very involved in the collaborative aspects of the game and want to extend into the story. Both parties reaping some kind of reward for the experience so the co-op isn’t limited to direct friends who play for fun, opening up the fan base and making connections that aren’t yet possible.

Though there hasn’t been a precedent set in the series, the option is always a great addition for the already dedicated players who prefer teamwork over the solo grind. While special events and dungeons already allow for co-op in small doses, there’s something different about exploring the world with a team rather than recruiting strangers

9 Mount Introduction

With a map as large as Genshin Impact’s, players have always needed a way to fast travel. This is especially true when certain regions of the map haven’t even been released yet, taking the already difficult task of covering that much ground and expanding on it. The pillars will always be integral to making the giant leaps but searching on foot is still as slow and bland as ever.

None of the animals in the world can be made into mounts, not even pets. Leaving a big gap in both the utility and enjoyment of investigating the land, leaving a lot on the table that the community would benefit from. Considering the variety of animals that roam around, the mount system would be a big upgrade and encourage new animals as the game progresses.

8 More Jobs

Opening up the available careers and expanding upon the benefits is another important way to keep players engaged while the rest of the world is still being opened up. From becoming an expert fisherman to a michelin star chef, the options are extensive when it comes to the skill building game.

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With the limit on energy resources and although vast, limited amount of map currently available, players need something to occupy their time with. Growing their skills in one particular direction with a wide range of careers seems like one of the best ways to not only pass the time but upgrade their character.

7 Online Marketplace

While there are in game stores where players can buy their resources, an open player’s market would benefit those looking for a specific item. It would also create some variety in selling prices, making finding that deal even more satisfactory. This would match up well with the career system, offering those who have a specific skills an opportunity to profit off their hard work.

A community marketplace is a great way to give an incentive to players who want to put in the work, letting them sell their skills for whatever players will pay them. Not everyone wants to sit around crafting the best armor or cooking stat building meals but for players who do, there should be a reward.

6 End Game Content

The end game is a specific part of the experience that could use some work, feeling sparse in content compared to the rest of Genshin Impact. Although the game is relatively new still, those who pay attention should have known that certain fans would blow through the beginning stages quickly. For most, it won’t have too much of an effect but hardcore fans are left waiting.

Those that have put the most into the game get to repeat high level activities over and over until they’re tired, losing the group developers want to keep most. With the Spiral Abyss dungeon taking the crown for those who are level 40 and higher, it gets boring going through the same setting and eventually recycling loot.

5 The Resin System

One of the main complaints in the community is the energy mechanic, using Original Resin to claim rewards for the tasks players put their time into. While it doesn’t cut people off from the game, nobody wants to grind out an increasingly challenging task for no rewards. A system only useful to those that want to sharpen their mechanics, most of the time players are left staring at the wall until energy is restored.

This includes challenges and special events that drop tempting exclusive items, encouraging players to use Primogems to speed up the clock. Even sneakier, there’s an increase in price every time the energy’s renewed throughout the day, meaning a full day grind is either going to take some serious saving or external funding.

4 More Resources

From the look of the map it would easy to assume the resource well is hard to empty, filling the landscape with more than enough for most players. However, most find it a task to find resources to either upgrade their equipment or level an aspect of their character, making the big map look more empty as far as player’s experience are concerned.

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This will become obvious when players are trying to grind heavily and coming up short at every turn, with loot being rewarded sparingly even in special events. Frustrating for those who are very task oriented as it seems most times the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Combine this with the inability to play at a constant rate and Genshin Impact starts to really take a toll on the achiever.

3 Tying Up Loose Ends

While the game is ongoing and the developers have already said the main pieces will likely take several years to wrap up, fans need some closure on the multiple open ended story lines that are available right now. It’s all well and good to keep the community wanting more but part of that means leaving hints, right now it seems like players are just lost in the web, trying to figure out what’s next.

Although the story isn’t always the main selling point when players are coming back each day, the plot definitely gives the game some form of direction. Without some concrete endings how are players supposed to know who to root for, even smaller plots haven’t progressed to the grand finale yet.

2 Unlucky Draws

From the characters themselves to loot drops, the RNG in Genshin Impact is a roller coaster ride of joy and disappointment. Seemingly having very little stability or steady rate anywhere in sight, this makes it hard for anyone not wanting the casino experience. It’s not even necessarily the up and down rates that make it difficult but the important areas that it effects.

Rolling the same old thing time and time again can be a real drain on motivation, for a game with so much potential for variety it certainly makes it hard to mix it up. Either giving the player a choice in the account character or weapon would be a big leap to easing some backlash that’s expressed when players get stuck in a loop.

1 Better Upgrades

Hard to come by and not effective, upgrades in the Genshin Impact world are something that need a rework somewhere. Either increasing the ease and letting players hit their goals easier or making those hard to come by upgrades really worth the time once their achieved.

From improving the player’s favorite weapon to levelling the character’s skills from the base up, making them easier to come by would both be easier and encourage more dedicated gameplay while upping the effort/reward ratio.

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