Though, of course, like the rest of Genshin Impact’s playable characters, Amber has some backstory to her. Behind her bubbly personality is a surprisingly sad history.

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Amber and Her Grandfather in Genshin Impact

As a young girl, Amber lived with her grandfather in Mondstadt. Long before she was born, he was a mercenary hailing from Liyue who took on jobs to protect merchant caravans on the road. Though one unfortunate day, his caravan was attacked by a savage monster. He was the only survivor and was saved by a doctor from the Knights of Favonius in Genshin Impact.

Amber’s grandfather was too ashamed to return to Liyue in Genshin Impact, so he remained in Mondstadt, joining the Knights of Favonius and creating its outrider division. The outriders were a special group of scouts who were skilled at using Wind Gliders, and all of them were trained by Amber’s grandfather. Later, he settled down and raised a family. Much later, Amber was born.

Amber of Genshin Impact was the kind of child who routinely got into trouble. Luckily, her grandfather was always around to get her out of it. The two had a very close relationship, and Amber clearly looked up to her grandfather. She was also eager to learn the ways of an outrider, even sneaking out to watch him train the knights. Of course, her grandfather was happy to teach her everything he knew. It didn’t take long before she, herself, became an outrider.

At some point, Amber’s grandfather met Eula of Genshin Impact and began training her, too. The two grew close as they both felt like outsiders in Mondstadt. With the help of Amber’s grandfather, Eula gained the strength she needed to overcome the burdens that her past brought her. She also found a friend in Amber.

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Amber, the Last Outrider of the Knights of Favonius

One day, Amber’s grandfather disappeared without a word. As a result, the outrider division declined. They had no leader to train them, amounting to countless failed operations. Soon, many of the current outriders either transferred to another division or resigned altogether. This filled Amber with a profound disappointment, but it also instilled her with determination. She was intent on protecting her homeland, even in the face of such adversity.

Amber went about her duties in Genshin Impact with what was left of the outrider division. The other knights, aware of her tender age and the loss she had gone through, took special care of her. However, Amber took this as a sign that they didn’t see her as mature enough, and she sought to prove them wrong. The young outrider accomplished all her duties and took on extra responsibilities, gaining the attention of her seniors. After a particularly dangerous mission, they finally acknowledged her strength and courage.

Having gained her seniors’ respect, Amber then sought to become the best outrider in Mondstadt. As time passed, however, the numbers of the outrider division continued to dwindle. Before long, Amber was the only outrider in Genshin Impact. Despite this, Amber wasn’t swayed from her goal of protecting her homeland. She wore the title of the last outrider with pride. After all, if she was the only outrider left, which meant she was the best.

By the time Amber had grown up, she became known as “The Crimson Knight” of Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. Even though years had passed since she last saw her grandfather, she still held his teachings close to her heart. Though deep down, she still hoped to find out why he decided to leave her and Mondstadt.

Amber believed that if she became like her grandfather, she’d learn why he left. Unfortunately, she didn’t get any closer to answering the question after she became an outrider, and not even after she become the best one in Mondstadt. Since her grandfather left her with nothing to go on, she simply concluded that he wanted her to find her own path in life. This, of course, was easier said than done.

Amber struggled to find a path that she could call her own. That is, until she came across an old storybook entitled “Wind, Courage and Wings,” which also teaches the player how to glide in Genshin Impact. In it is a fable about birds who were learning how to fly. They were unable to do so at first because the wind was not strong enough. However, they finally managed it when they leaped off a cliff and carried themselves on their wings. To which, the Anemo God in the story said, “What you lacked was not wind, but courage.”

This struck a chord in Amber, and she realized that she didn’t need to wait on someone else for directions on how to live her life — not even her grandfather. Thus, she gained the courage that she needed to forge her own path. With this courage, she also gained her Pyro Vision in Genshin Impact.

Clues About Amber’s Grandfather in Genshin Impact

Though Amber doesn’t know where her grandfather is, the player can find hints of his whereabouts in Liyue. In one of the message boards in Qingce Village — one of the most breathtaking locations in Genshin Impact — an unknown writer posted a note about an “old friend.” In the message, this person writes that their old friend had returned on his Wind Glider after around 50 years. They also elaborate on this old friend’s past, about his time as a mercenary before becoming a knight. This perfectly matches the story of Amber’s grandfather.

By the end of the message, the writer explains that their old friend is now often seen skulking around the village. It’s unclear what he’s doing there or whether the player can interact with him, but it may be a means of setting up a future quest that centers around Amber. Even though she’s determined to find her own path, there’s no doubt that she’d still want to find her grandfather.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is in development.

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