Cyno wanters can consider getting at least his first Constellations since they add a lot to his kit and turn him into a more reliable DPS in Genshin Impact.

Are Cyno’s Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

Like any other 5-star unit in Genshin Impact, Cyno is a decent character at C0. However, because of the current meta of quick swap units, Cyno suffers to prove himself as he needs around 20 seconds of field time.

Unsurprisingly, his Constellations solve all his lacking and make him able to become one of the top DMG dealers in Genshin Impact.

C1 - Ordinance: Unceasing Vigil

Effect: After using Elemental Burst, Cyno’s Normal Attack SPD will be increased by 20% for 10s. If the Judication effect of his Passive Talent Featherfall Judgment is triggered during Elemental Skill, the duration of this increase will be refreshed. You need to unlock the Passive Talent “Featherfall Judgment. " Importance: High

Cyno’s C1 is one of the best Constellations he can get. It raises his ATK SPD by 20%, giving him a decent boost in DMG during his Burst state. What makes Cyno’s first Constellation in Genshin Impact so good is that the buff keeps refreshing to stay with Cyno the entire time he’s on the field.

C2 - Ceremony: Homecoming Of Spirits

Effect: When Cyno’s Normal Attacks hit opponents, his Electro DMG Bonus will increase by 10% for 4s. This effect can be triggered once every 0. 1s. Max 5 stacks. Importance: High

While the duration of this buff is not that long, Cyno can easily get all the stacks and maintain their presence throughout his Burst duration.

C4 - Austerity: Forbidding Guard

Effect: When Cyno is in the Pactsworn Pathclearer state triggered by Elemental Burst, after he triggers Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Quicken, Aggravate, Hyperbloom, or an Electro Swirl reaction, he will restore 3 Elemental Energy for all nearby party members (except himself). This effect can occur 5 times within one use of Elemental Burst. Importance: High

If there’s anything Cyno suffers from, it’s getting his Burst back. Players have to put at least one Genshin Impact Battery to make sure Cyno always has his Burst ready. Unfortunately, Cyno’s C4 doesn’t help with his own Energy issue. But it does allow his team to be built in a more offensive or supportive way as they can worry less about Energy.

C6 - Raiment: Just Scales

Effect: After using Elemental Burst or triggering the Judication effect of the Passive Talent “Featherfall Judgment,” Cyno will gain 4 stacks of the “Day of the Jackal” effect. When he hits opponents with Normal Attacks, he will consume 1 stack of “Day of the Jackal” to fire off one Duststalker Bolt. “Day of the Jackal” lasts for 8s. Max 8 stacks. It will be canceled once Pactsworn Pathclearer ends. A maximum of 1 Duststalker Bolt can be unleashed this way every 0. 4s. Unlocking the Passive Talent “Featherfall Judgment. " is required. Importance: High

Cyno’s final Genshin Impact Constellation is also another addition to his damage dealing. His C6 combined with C2 will generate a large number for players, making this effect a decent one to have if players wish to maximize Cyno’s DPS.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

More: Genshin Impact: Venti Constellation Complete Guide