This blueprint can be purchased from a hidden vendor in Qingce Village, and players will have to track down this carpenter to purchase this item. Players will need as many blueprints as they can get if they intend to receive all their rewards from the Serenitea Pot, so grabbing this one is great.

Genshin Impact: How to get “The Adventurer’s Burdens” blueprint

To grab this hidden blueprint, players will need to head to Qingce Village during the day and speak to Master Lu. Master Lu is a renowned carpenter, and he will sell several items for the Serenitea Pot, including the blueprint for “The Adventurer’s Burdens.”

Purchasing this blueprint from him will cost players 50,000 Mora, which is a steep fee for only 60 Adeptal Energy, but if players want every blueprint in the game, purchasing this one is a necessity.

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Master Lu will also sell furnishing sets that include this new blueprint, allowing players to squeeze in some extra Adeptal Energy with “The Adventurer’s Burdens.” This item will only cost players four Fabric and four Pine Wood to create, making it an easy craft, and players will gain 60 Adeptal Energy once it is placed down.

Players will only be able to get this blueprint from Master Lu, so players should definitely track down this elusive craftsman and pick up “The Adventurer’s Burdens” from him.

How to use “The Adventurer’s Burdens” in Genshin Impact

Using this new furnishing blueprint in Genshin Impact is as easy as learning it once it is purchased. Players will simply have to head into their inventory and click on the item to learn the crafting recipe, then enter their Serenitea Pot to begin crafting it.

This item will take several hours to complete, so players can plan out their perfect placement in advance.

They could also use it in sets like the Lone and Cautious Adventurer or the Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque set. These are some great and easy ways for players to get Adeptal Energy. Players can also just use these to make their teapot look pretty or fit a theme. With many varied uses, players should definitely pick up “The Adventurer’s Burdens” from Qingce Village in Genshin Impact.

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Genshin Impact’s Housing System has provided players with the perfect place to express their creativity, and taking advantage of it is always fun. Players should make sure to grab this hidden blueprint in Genshin Impact.

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