To complete the Agnihotra Sutra chapter in Genshin Impact, the journal only says that players may meet the Aranara again if they return to the place where they adventured together. Luckily, by following this guide, players won’t have to retrace all their steps and can easily finish chapter 4 of the Aranyaka.

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How To Start Chapter 4 Of The Aranyaka In Genshin Impact

Agnihotra Sutra’s questline involves Genshin Impact players finding Aranara at Gandha Hill. To start this chapter of Aranyaka, go to the marked location and find three Eremites near a cave. After speaking with the mercenaries, find the Aranara to trigger the quest.

The Agnihotra Sutra involves players adventuring with three Aranara using a Gadget called “Kusava”. Sadly, this item is only used in this quest, so players will lose it once the questline is finished.

How To Finish Chapter 4 Of The Aranyaka In Genshin Impact

To finish chapter 4 of the Aranyaka, Genshin Impact Travelers must return to “the place where you adventured together” to meet the Aranara once again.

Finishing The Agnihotra Sutra chapter of the Aranyaka is a little more complicated than the other chapters as it involves three separate parts; Araguru’s Drawing, Aranakin’s Old Friend, and Aranaga’s Memory.

Araguru’s Drawing

To trigger Araguru’s Drawing sub-quest in Genshin Impact, go to the cave entrance north of Chatrakam Cave. Paimon will make a remark about Eremites if players visited the correct spot.

Clear out the enemies inside the cave until a mini-boss called Azrul the Farrokhzadan appears. Defeat him, and Araguru will show up shortly after. The creature completely forgot who the Traveler is, but still allowed the protagonist to help.

Next, investigate the three glowing spots in the marked area until Genshin Impact Travelers find a letter called “Employer’s Orders”. Talk to Araguru afterward to finish the quest.

Aranakin’s Old Friend

Now, go north from Araguru’s cave to find singing Aranakin. As the Aranara forget who Traveler is, they’ll go into hiding. Play the Vintage Lyre to encourage them to come out. This quest is not at all complicated, so simply follow all the directions to finish it.

Aranaga’s Memory

Finally, Aranaga’s Memory is the most complex quest of all. First, Travelers must find an old man east of the Mawtiyima Forest’s northern Teleport Waypoint. If the man isn’t there, then try re-logging. It may take several re-logging and revisiting until he shows up. The old man will introduce himself as Khayyam.

Follow the questline until Travelers get into the scene where they do a ritual with the three Aranara. After reviving some flowers with the forest creatures, go back to the northern Teleport Waypoint. This time, glide southeast to another small camp with a cooking pot.

Talk to Khayyam the Genshin Impact NPC once more to complete the Agnihotra Sutra quest. Players will earn a check mark on chapter 4 of their Aranyaka once all the quests are completed.

Like last time, if Khayyam isn’t there, try re-logging and teleporting back and forth. The cooking pot will not be present if Khayyam isn’t around, so this should be an easy benchmark.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: How To Unlock The Hidden Teleport Waypoint In Sumeru (North of Chatrakam Cave)