However, Stars aren’t the only thing beneficial to Layla. Her Genshin Impact Constellations can also increase her value, allowing her to be a Co-Op shielder and even a mini buffer.

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Is Getting Layla Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

Layla’s first three Constellations in Genshin Impact hold the most value, while the other three are simply a damage addition. Aiming for Layla’s Constellation is worth it up until C4, but it’s not necessary to pursue it further than that.

C1 - Fortress of Fantasy

Effect: The Shield Absorption of the Curtain of Slumber generated by Elemental Skill is increased by 20%. Additionally, her Elemental Skill will generate a shield for any nearby party members who are not being protected by a Curtain of Slumber. This shield will have 35% of the absorption of a Curtain of Slumber, will last for 12s, and will absorb Cryo DMG with 250% effectiveness. Importance: Priority

C1 Layla increases the strength of Layla’s shield by 20%. It also allows players to play her in Co-Op.

C2 - Light’s Remit

Effect: When Shooting Stars from Elemental Skill strike opponents, they will each restore 1 Energy to Layla. Each Shooting Star can restore Energy to her in this manner once. Importance: High

Layla only needs 40 Energy to cast her Elemental Burst in Genshin Impact, so it’s rare for her to have an Energy issue. However, players need to understand that she doesn’t produce Energy upon skill cast. Elemental Particles will only be generated when her Shooting Stars hit enemies.

Because of this, Layla likely won’t be on the field when Particles are available. The C2 effect of Layla’s Genshin Impact Constellation can be great to handle this issue.

C4 - Starry Illumination

Effect: When Elemental Skill starts to fire off Shooting Stars, it will grant all nearby party members the Dawn Star effect, causing their Normal and Charged Attack DMG to increase based on 5% of Layla’s Max HP. Dawn Star can last up to 3s and will be removed 0. 05s after dealing Normal or Charged Attack DMG. Importance: High

C4 Layla gives a mini Shenhe effect where she grants a damage bonus depending on her HP. This bonus can hit multiple enemies at once, but players practically can only use this effect once every time it triggers. Before C6, players should enjoy this effect twice every 12s.

C6 - Radiant Soulfire

Effect: Shooting Stars from Elemental Skill deal 40% increased DMG, and Starlight Slugs from Elemental Burst deal 40% increased DMG. Additionally, the interval between the creation of Night Stars via Elemental Skill is decreased by 20%. Importance: Medium

The damage addition from C6 Layla is negligible considering she doesn’t deal that much damage to begin with, but the Night Stars interval reduction can be great if players are using 4pc Tenacity of the Millelith on Layla.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.