At the start of Genshin Impact, the Traveler, or the main character, will start with the Anemo abilities because air is the element of Mondstadt. Likewise, Geo is the element of Liyue, the second of the two currently available regions of Teyvat.

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When visiting Statues of the Seven, players have the opportunity to switch the Traveler’s elements. To do this, players simply need to visit one of the Statues of the region featuring the element they desire and select “Resonate with [Element].” In terms of which element is better, Anemo or Geo, the game is seemingly designed so that the two are equally powerful, but it would seem that most players prefer to use the Anemo Traveler as their Elemental abilities prove to be more useful.

Updated May 10, 2022, by Nahda Nabiilah: With the release of Inazuma in version 2.0, the protagonist can now resonate with the Statue of the Seven in the land of thunder. This allows the Traveler to obtain access to the Electro Element, unlocking new skills for players to experiment with. Of course, just like the other two Elements, this version also comes with its own build and required materials. Considering the abundant number of changes that have happened in Genshin Impact since its original publication, this article has been updated to reflect the most recent information.

Anemo Traveler Build In Genshin Impact

The Traveler’s Anemo abilities are extremely useful in combat, especially when triggering the Swirl Reaction. Luckily, Swirl will occur with any element other than Geo, so pairing up the Traveler with other party members is very flexible.

For this reason, players will want to focus on using the Traveler as an Anemo Support to deal Anemo Damage and trigger the Swirl Reaction as often as possible. The Anemo Traveler doesn’t need any fancy stats like ATK or the Critical ones. All they need is Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge.

Best Artifacts For Anemo Traveler

For Artifacts, the best set is perfect for free-to-play players because it can be obtained by clearing the Valley of Remembrance Domain in Mondstadt. The 2-piece Viridescent Venerer set will give an Anemo Damage Bonus of 15% while the 4-piece set will give the Traveler an increase to Swirl Damage by 60% as well as decrease the opponent’s resistance to Elemental Damage to the element infused with Swirl by 40% for 10 seconds. Additionally, Swirl deals AoE damage when triggered, and the more enemies caught with the Anemo Traveler Abilities, the more damage is dealt.

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The ideal go-to stats for the Sands, Goblet, and Circlet’s main stats should be Elemental Mastery, Focusing on collecting as much Energy Recharge as possible in all the artifacts’ subs. Alternatively, players can also opt for the traditional ATK/Anemo/Critical build.

Best Weapons For Anemo Traveler

The best F2P weapons for the Anemo Traveler are Iron Sting, which is obtained via forging, and Festering Desire, which is obtained for free during Version 1.2. For players that didn’t get the chance to get Festering Desire, Sacrificial Sword is a decent replacement, allowing the Traveler to cast Palm Vortex twice and offering a whopping amount of Energy Recharge rate of 61.3%, meaning that players can get the Traveler’s Elemental Burst up faster.

As for the best 5-Star weapon, players should opt for the Freedom-Sworn. The weapon increases the Anemo Traveler’s Elemental Mastery by 198 and fully unlocks their status as a Support by increasing their entire team attack by 20% and Normal, Charged, and Plunging damage by 16%. Alternatively, Primordial Jade Cutter and Mistsplitter Reforged are also viable.

Geo Traveler Build In Genshin Impact

Geo Traveler can be a decent Sub-DPS if they got their hands on the right build. Their playstyle literally changes the shape of the battlefield as they spam their Geo constructions (such as their Starfell Sword). Add a Genshin Impact character like Zhongli and the pair will continuously inflict a wide AoE Geo damage. While the Anemo unit can count on Elemental Mastery to raise their damage, players should only equip the Geo Traveler with the typical ATK/Geo/Critical build.

Best Artifacts For Geo Traveler

As a Sub-DPS, the Geo Traveler will barely spend time on the field, so it’s better to equip a set that buffs the next character coming out after. 4-Noblesse Oblige and 4-Archaic Petra are the best options for applying this kind of buff. Noblesse comes first as it’s a simple addition of 20% ATK whenever the Traveler uses their Burst.

On the other hand, Archaic Petra is a little more tricky to use, but greatly rewarding if players can consistently pull off its effect. Archaic’s effect is activated once the Traveler picks up an Elemental Shard of the desired Element, boosting the entire team’s damage by 35% (to the corresponding Element).

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Building the Geo Traveler to inflict raw damage offering no buff from their artifacts is also possible. Players can use either 2-Archaic Petra and 2-ATK +18% artifact or 2-Noblesse Oblige and 2-Archaic Petra.

Best Weapons For Geo Traveler

Just like the Anemo weapon, the best F2P sword for the Geo unit is Festering Desire, since most of their damage comes from their Elemental Skill. Additionally, the 3-star Genshin Impact weapon, Harbinger of Dawn, and the forgeable sword from Inazuma, Amenoma Kageuchi, are both decent for the Geo Traveler. The Black Sword and Blackcliff Longsword are also viable choices, just because of their secondary Critical stats.

For Gacha lovers, Geo Traveler’s best 5-star weapon in Genshin Impact is Mistsplitter Reforged and Primordial Jade Cutter because of the amount of Critical and ATK the weapon gives. Meanwhile, Summit Shaper is a decent runner-up to the two.

Electro Traveler Build In Genshin Impact

Electro Traveler is one of the best batteries in Genshin Impact, but that isn’t all that the Electro Unit can do. They can be a suitable Sub-DPS and offer a continuous Electro application through their Elemental Burst. Since the amount of regeneration the Traveler grants scales with Energy Recharge, players should build the Electro Traveler to have as much Energy Recharge as possible. This way, the main character can maximize their potential and serve as a dedicated battery.

Best Artifacts For Electro Traveler

Since players will focus on building Energy Recharge on the Electro Traveler, giving them 4-Emblem of Severed Fate is only natural since its effect gets stronger as the Energy Recharge increases. Players can use Energy Recharge Sands, Electro damage Goblet, and Critical Circlet to fully take advantage of the Electro Traveler’s Supportive abilities.

The 4-Noblesse Oblige is also an excellent choice for the Electro Traveler. However, it’s almost standard at this point to have Genshin Impact Supports and Sub-DPS characters fully equipped with Noblesse.

Best Weapons For Electro Traveler

As a battery, the Traveler can use Favonius Sword to increase their Energy production. Alternatively, to fully take advantage of the Traveler’s Skill and keep their Burst constantly active, players can opt for the Sacrificial Sword.

Genshin Impact is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.