The magical librarian, Lisa, is one of the free characters players get in the beginning section of the game. After finishing an extended tutorial, players get to unlock the Electro mage, alongside Kaeya and she makes for an interesting addition to their lineup. However, to take full advantage of her electric magic, players need some good equipment and a good team. And here are some of the best.

Abilities And Usage

Lisa is an Electro mage, specializing in AoE damage. Her skills are based around applying Electro to the widest possible group of targets. Her elemental skill can be charged to electrocute large groups of enemies, and her Elemental Burst creates a large area where enemies will constantly get shocked and knocked back. Lisa isn’t the strongest character in the game. She has a low health pool, and fairly low DPS. However, her role is not to be the main damage dealer. Lisa serves best as support, applying elemental effects and doing a decent amount of damage in an area.

Aims For Builds

As mentioned above, Lisa is not a good character for being the main DPS. Her abilities and stats are better used as a support DPS, or as a part of an elemental reaction. Her base attack applies lightning to single enemies or an area depending on player input.

Similarly, her elemental skill applies Electro in a large area, either as a group of orbs or as lightning from the sky. Her Elemental Burst effectively creates an area where everything will be zapped. This makes her a really good candidate for two types of builds; a support DPS build and an elemental Reactor build.

Electro Support DPS

This build prioritizes Lisa’s elemental burst. The AOE attack can do huge amounts of damage as a support DPS, and it is great on bosses. It doesn’t do as well on regular mobs because it knocks everyone in range back, but still does a decent chunk of damage. Paired with the right team, equipment, and artifacts, it can be a deadly ability to use while waiting for the main DPS to recharge. The stats being focussed on here are Elemental Mastery, Crit Damage, and Elemental Recharge, as well as some boosts for flat attack damage.

Equipment For The Build

These are some of the recommended sets for the build.


The best weapon for this build is Skyward Atlas. It offers a huge elemental damage boost and a chance at an extra effect. This effect has a chance to release seeking orbs which will damage the nearest enemies for about 15 seconds. The deal a boosted amount of damage, and offer a great boost to total damage. Alternative weapons are the Favonius Codex and Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds.

Artifact Sets

The Noblesse Oblige set is the recommended artifact to go for with this set. The set gives a decent boost to Elemental Burst damage. At 4 pieces of the set, it also unlocks a party boost. Upon using the Elemental Burst, it gives the whole party a whopping 20% ATK boost for 12 seconds. Thundersoother is a good alternative, as it boosts Electro damage quite a lot.

Elemental Reactor

This build focuses on applying Electro to as wide an area as possible, with the intention to cause an elemental reaction. Every one of Lisa’s attacks can apply the Electro status effect to enemies, which leaves them ripe for a good Overload or Superconduct. The artifacts and weapons focus on boosting Electro damage, Cooldown, and most importantly, boost damage from Reactions.

Equipment For Elemental Reactor

Here are some of the recommended equipment for an Elemental Reactor build.


Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds is the best weapon to go for this build. It gives a decent speed boost and gives a stackable elemental damage boost. This boost lasts till the character leaves the battle or dies, so it can offer a great elemental boost for Lisa. The Widsith and Solar Burst are also good weapons to use for her.


The recommended artifact set for this build is the Thundering Fury set. Apart from boosting Electro damage a great deal, the 4 piece set adds a damage boost to reactions. This adds a whopping 40% damage boost to Overload, Superconduct, and Electrocharged reactions. It also lowers the Cooldown for Lisa’s elemental skill by 1 second per usage. This, combined with a good team, can be devastating.

Team Setups

For the best possible results with Lisa, players need a good team. The best setups for Lisa compensate for her low DPS and squishiness by providing a decent amount of healing. They also need to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that her huge AoE attacks and Electro effects provide. With that in mind, there are some very good team setups that can be used with Lisa.

The All-Star Team

This team might be a little harder to attain, as it mostly has five-star characters. However, for the best possible results with Lisa, this is the team to go for.

Klee - Klee is amazing for main DPS because of her high base damage. That, paired with her bombs, can pull off devastating amounts of damage. Her bombs can be used to rapidly cause Overloaded reactions and unleash hell. Venti - Venti has some great crowd control abilities, which can be used to set up amazing elemental reactions. Barbara - Barbara is a solid support character for this party. Her abilities offer great healing, and her Hydro skills can be used to set up Electrocharged reactions.

F2P Friendly Alternatives

Most of the equipment and characters mentioned here are five-star, top-tier items. As such, they are really difficult to get as a free-to-play player. There is always the option to grind and grind to get those Primogems, but not every player will have the time or inclination to do that. So, here are some alternative equipment and team setups that are more F2P friendly.


Prototype Amber is the best F2P alternative to the weaponry mentioned here. Mappa Mare and Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers are strong contenders too. They all offer significant boosts to Electro damage and Elemental Burst cooldowns. The Artifact sets are not as hard to get as an F2P player, but for players having trouble the Wanderer’s Troupe set is a decent replacement.


Barbara is still a solid contender, as she isn’t particularly difficult to get. She can be replaced in her role by Bennet as a healer, though. Kaeya and The Traveller are good F2P candidates for DPS, and Xingqiu can offer some good elemental damage setups.