With the help of Genshin Impact’s Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian, players should have no problem translating this phrase. They’ve done this exact thing with several other phrases already in order to get this far in the questline, so that tends to be the easy part now. The harder part is figuring out what to do with this phrase after the player translates it.

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The phrase Kucha Gusha means small grass or seed. In this instance, players are likely going to want to take the translation meaning seed, as this is fairly straightforward and players should have them in great abundance. Any seed seems to work, so players should choose whichever seed they have the most of or one that they simply don’t need for any other upgrades. Alternatively, warp to Mondstadt and get a Dandelion Seed by using an Anemo attack on a Dandelion.

After giving the Hilichurl the seed, he should give the player a hint as to where they can find the Unusual Hilichurl. This Hilichurl explains that he can be found at “Mosi Aba Nunu.” Players may remember this as meaning “from after sunset until late night.” This means that in order to find the target, players will need to use the game’s wait feature to fast forward time until it is between the hours of 8 PM and midnight. Check the map and there should be a yellow circle indicating the general location of the Unusual Hilichurl.

After finding him, players should once again be prepared for a fight. Unlike most other Hilichurl that they’ve come across, this one has boss levels of hit points and damage. He will also call in help in the form of other Hilichurls that will aid him in the battle and must be dealt with.

Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, and PS4, and later on Switch.

MORE: Genshin Impact: What is Unta Nunu?