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While the average person doesn’t forge through valleys studded with elemental-themed monsters on a quest to save a city (or their brother), it’s the character’s personalities that many find so enchanting. Psychology tells us that each person can identify with a certain classification on the Meyer Briggs Personality chart, so why not characters from Genshin Impact, as well?

Updated December 21, 2021 by Scott Vengel: It has been a long time running in Genshin Impact, with a large plethora of new characters being introduced since its launch back in September 2020. Just recently, the game has returned back to the region of Inazuma with the release of Arataki Itto’s banner, just after a successful round of reruns for Albedo and Eula.

Nonetheless, despite the increase in released characters, Genshin Impact still impresses fans with its character’s deep personalities and lore. As such, in an effort to explore the personalities of some of the game’s most beloved characters, this article will be updated to add more information.

16 Jean As An ENTJ, AKA The Commander

It’s not surprising to see that Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt, perfectly fits the role of an ENTJ. With tireless efforts to lead the brigade and no challenges seeming too hard, Jean blazes her way as both a leader and a confidant for those depending on her. Willing to lay her life down for what she vows to protect, she a brilliant example of the traits this personality type displays.

ENTJs are information gathers that don’t like to wait before putting their plans into place. They strive to achieve their dreams first and foremost, just like how Jean uses her endless charisma to live up to the image of the Dandelion Knight.

15 Diluc As An ISFJ, AKA The Defender

On the outside, Diluc is as well-put-together as any true gentleman. However, inside blazes the passion of someone who truly believes in his city and its residents. While he might not be a leader in the sense that Jean is, he’s the first one in line to victoriously protect those he cares so much for, whatever it takes.

ISFJs are responsible and efficiency-driven, which can often make them seem cold and distant due to their introverted nature. Yet, behind that cold façade, ISFJs are always looking to protect others with deep-seated compassion, much like how Diluc protects Mondstadt behind the scenes.

14 Razor As An INFJ, AKA The Advocate

Razor’s intuitive nature and animal spirit are what propels him forward as an INFJ. One of the rarest personality types, people who fall under this personality can walk the line between intuition and fighting for what’s right. Razor’s spirit and survival instincts make him a true advocate.

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As natural introverts, INFJs tend to observe others from afar rather than socializing openly. Typically, INFJs will be quiet and reserved, being called people of very few words, a trait that is shared between them and Razor. However, behind this reserved exterior, are individuals that care about others, especially people close to them.

13 Bennett As An ISFP, AKA The Adventurer

A slightly silly but always cheerful member of the Adventurer’s Guild, Bennett is the perfect ISFP in both personality and title. His boyish charm appeals to nearly everyone, with not a soul daring to rain on his parade. However, it’s his bold and creative nature that helps him to walk the path less traveled.

12 Sucrose As INTP, AKA The Logician

A true alchemist at heart, Sucrose fits the bill of an INTP almost perfectly. Her insatiable zest for deciphering life’s mysteries through bio-alchemic science is what makes her so valuable, and also a good logician. Her (literally) life-changing powers help to make the world a more knowledgable place, which is her true gift as an INTP.

Like an INTP, Sucrose tends to use a rather unconventional approach when doing her research. Experimenting with weird potions, her obsession with sweet flowers, and some rather questionable methodologies, all of this has led to Sucrose having a very unique perspective on alchemy.

11 Mona As ESTJ, AKA The Executive

Mona has an otherworldly way of knowing things as she’s able to separate fact from fiction thanks to her superior astrological powers. Her pride is what makes her great as an ESTJ, able to direct people based on the path that fate directs - however, pride can also be a downfall, something executives tend to know well.

10 Albedo As INTJ, AKA The Architect

While Albedo holds the title of Captain of the Investigation Team, it’s his alchemy that is his ultimate love in life. However, his investigative skills combined with his passion for studying the knowledge that scholars have left behind has made him the ultimate INTJ. His pension for research results in his ability to constantly be prepared, while his skill for alchemy makes him ready for anything.

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In addition, INTJs often lead very private and complex lives, each having their own set of secrets. This fits Albedo very well, as his life too, comes with its own set of secrets regarding both his work and his past.

9 Chongyun As ENFP, AKA The Campaigner

An interesting character, Chongyun is known as an exorcist with a power that has previously been unseen. With the act of exorcism, though, comes the need to remain positive in even the most wicked of situations, something he does well. Thus, the title of the campaigner is rewarded to him, with his everlasting, and intuitive, goodwill and force of light in the face of darkness.

8 Xinyan As ESFP, AKA The Entertainer

It only makes sense that Xinyan, as an actual music performer, is deserving of the ESFP personality type. She’s never without music or a rhythm in her mind and it’s through her musical talents that she’s able to bring those back from a rather distant state. Her energy is contagious, making her job an easy one and bringing those around her together with a common goal: to be happy.

7 Ganyu As INFP, AKA The Mediator

With a sweet voice and an even sweeter personality to match, Ganyu is a flawless mediator - both in the INFP sense and in the literal sense. Her kindness and compassion for the people of Liyue are unmatched, and her hard work is a mere testament to the belief she has in uplifting a person’s spirits.

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Typically, an INFP will be called to help those around them. In many ways, this mirrors Ganyu’s love for helping the people of Liyue as the Liyue Qixing’s secretary. Nonetheless, this love for helping others can often lead to mediators forgetting their own needs and feeling lonely, something that Ganyu is also guilty of.

6 Tartaglia As ESTP, AKA The Entreprenuer

As a character who exudes the motto ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover,’ Tartaglia has the best of both worlds. He’s incredibly clever in sticky situations but is also unpredictable, but never in a bad way.

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His ability to keep others guessing with plans that always seem to work out is the makings of a great ESTP. Generally, ESTPs are full of energy and the first to rush towards action, much like Tartaglia’s fighting spirit.

5 Keqing As ENTP, AKA The Debator

The always outspoken Keqing is liked even by the gods for her straightforward demeanor and tenacity to stick to her guns. This is also what makes her the perfect ENTP, as she’s never afraid to throw down when it comes to proving her efforts or her beliefs.

ENTPs are debate-oriented, with endless wit and disagreement for ideals that don’t match their own. While this can be a source of conflict, it’s also worth mentioning that this type of mentality has made Keqing one of the most successful members of the Liyue Qixing.

4 Amber As ENFJ, AKA The Protagonist

Amber, the first person that most people run into, is nothing short of a perfect ENFJ. Her good-hearted nature and fearlessness will provide the balance needed to surge ahead in any battle. However, it’s also her charisma and inspirational leadership that makes her likable enough for others to follow her.

ENFJs are thoughtful and always looking to make a positive impact on society. While this is a common personality trait, ENFJs are also very active individuals, always on the move to do the right thing.

3 Noelle As ESFJ, AKA The Consul

All Noelle wants is to be a knight and with her unbelievable hard work and observations of every knight in Mondstadt, she might just achieve her dream someday. It’s her eagerness to help and become one of the city’s defenders against enemies, though, that makes her the ultimate ESFJ.

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ESFJs are people-focused, aiming to always help better the community around them. However, this can offer lead to ESFJs overextending themselves, just as Noelle often does herself.

2 Ningguang As ISTJ, AKA The Logistician

Although she’s a bit of a mystery, Ningguang is also a defender of law and order. This passion for protecting what’s right is a key quality for an ISTJ, as she fights fact with fact and can always be depended upon. Her quick-witted nature makes her an even more likable ISTJ, with a clever nature surrounding her overall mysterious persona.

ISTJs are rational to their very core, viewing the world more as numbers than emotions. This makes them excellent administrators and business people, just as Ningguang is in Genshin Impact.

1 Xiao As ISTP, AKA The Virtuoso

Known as the ‘Vigilant Yaksha,’ Xiao is much older - and wiser - than many of his counterparts, although this is often little-known knowledge to others. The virtuoso is often a master at their trade, comfortable with all manner of tools and methods to get jobs done. Xiao’s fearlessness in the face of something new, which comes from years of experience, allows him to be a solid ISTP.

Genshin Impact is available on mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5.

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