At the moment there are only three available realms for Genshin Impact’s Serenitea Pot, but that might change in the future. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t give the player any kind of preview before asking them to make their decision, so many players are instead looking online to see what the options look like.

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Genshin Impact - Emerald Peak Realm

The first realm that players can choose for their new home is the Emerald Peak. This places the player’s home on top of a tall mountain, and players will see similar mountains jutting up from the clouds around them. This area is visually very similar to the mountainous regions of Liyue, with gorgeous waterfalls and soaring peaks.

Genshin Impact - Cool Isle

For those players that would prefer to live closer to the ground, the Cool Isle offers a great mix of benefits. Although the housing area itself is on the grass, there are sandy beaches around that the player can access and water as far as the eye can see. For the sake of comparison, this area looks a lot like Liyue’s Yaoguang Shoal.

Genshin Impact - Floating Abode

Finally, players that want a more mystical feel to their home could choose the Floating Abode style. This sees the player’s house sitting atop a floating island, with clusters of similarly suspended islands floating around in the vicinity. It appears to be modeled after the abodes of the Adepti, who often reside in mystical places such as this.

Genshin Impact - Switching Realm Styles

Eventually players will be able to switch Realm Styles in their Serenitea Pot, so this choice isn’t 100% final. That said, players will need to reach high enough Trust levels in order to unlock more styles, and then each style will cost Realm Currency to purchase. Since players will be with whichever realm they choose first for quite a while, choose carefully among the three options.

Genshin Impact is available now on Mobile, PC, and PS4, and later on Switch.

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